July 20

US election: who does Vitalik Buterin choose?

Vitalik Buterin posted a message on platform X advising the crypto community not to select their presidential candidate solely on the basis of his pro-crypto stance. This sparked debate within the crypto community. He emphasized broader tech freedom and the values that originated the crypto movement, particularly, the cypherpunk ethos, which promoted open and free technology to protect individual freedoms. He also stressed the importance of internationalism, a core value within the community. Thus, he cautioned against the allure of pro-crypto candidates but doesn't support internationalism and broader freedoms, warning that they may exhibit authoritarian tendencies. In Buterin’s opinion, focusing solely on a candidate’s stance on crypto without considering their broader values is a mistake that risks undermining fundamental principles.

Jake Chervinsky, chief legal officer at Variant Fund, agreed with Buterin’s “solid points”, but added that he can be misinterpreted as advocating for a particular candidate. He also noted that good crypto policy requires a pro-crypto candidate reflecting the political reality over idealism.
Ryan Selkis, CEO of Messari, called Buterin a “politically naive” idealist and disagreed with his stance.

Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson also suggested voting for a pro-crypto candidate. He specifically stated that Biden’s presidency would mean the downfall of the American crypto sector.

The discussion reflects the diversity of thought within the crypto space and highlights a fundamental tension between idealism and pragmatism in political engagement.

#VitalikButerin #cryptocommunity #PresidentialElections